P-06-1293 Provide funding for universal access to Fracture Liaison Services (FLS)


This petition was submitted by Delyth Evans MBE, having collected 401 signatures on-line and 30 signatures on paper, making for a total of 431 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

The Welsh Government should commit to 100% coverage of quality-assured Fracture Liaison Services (FLS). FLS is the world-standard for treating osteoporosis and preventing fractures, yet access is a postcode lottery. This means thousands of people living on the wrong side of a catchment line will suffer life-changing spinal and hip fractures. The Welsh Government can transform the picture through a clear strategic direction from the top, backed with modest funding for FLS and sensible incentives.


Additional Information:

Fractures (broken bones) caused by osteoporosis are one of the most serious threats to living well in later life. Left untreated, osteoporosis threatens our freedom, dignity, quality of life and independence. With an early diagnosis and the right treatment, people with osteoporosis can live well, thanks to safe, effective, medication that is highly affordable for the NHS. But missed opportunities for diagnosis and early intervention mean that thousands of people across Wales are missing out on the bone-strengthening medication they need. In a recent FOI request, the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) found that only 4 out of 7 Health Boards could confirm they had a FLS (and not all of these cover the whole population). The ROS estimates that scaling up FLS provision for the whole of Wales would cost around £2 million per year. Over the next five years, this would save the NHS and social care around £25 million, prevent over 1,200 hip fractures, and release over 34,000 acute bed days.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Carmarthen East and Dinefwr

·         Mid and West Wales